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Press - Katarina Nilsson, photographer: Rickard Liljeroos

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Bio & Press Release

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Articles and radio shows

Exploring for Business Development Learning

In my journey as a business development coach, I've encountered many bright minds eager to excel in their careers yet struggling with academic writing. Whether it's crafting a compelling business proposal or structuring a persuasive report, the challenges are real....

Radio Show: Monetizing Your Creativity, with guest Katarina Nilsson

Radio Show: Monetizing Your Creativity, with guest Katarina Nilsson

Aired Monday, 20 February 2017, 4:00 PM ET Monetizing Your Creativity Join Katarina Nilsson and Lisa Murray for a conversation that can change your entire creative reality. We are artists, creative entrepreneurs and international facilitators of creative magic in life...

Article in Swaay : 4 Brain Hacks For Mixing Business With Pleasure

Article in Swaay : 4 Brain Hacks For Mixing Business With Pleasure

Don’t mix business with pleasure. Who really believes in that nonsense? Truth is, dedicating your precious time to something when your heart’s not in it makes absolutely no sense. And since you don’t have to choose between your passion and…

Article: Status Quo Is Status No – How to Let Your Creativity Bloom

Article: Status Quo Is Status No – How to Let Your Creativity Bloom

Creativity doesn’t belong to a certain group of people. We all have it inside of us, and it’s just waiting to be displayed for the world to enjoy. Are you ready to let your creativity bloom and become a natural part of your life and business? Tag along! Perhaps you’re...

How Making Money Can Be A Part Of Your (Love) Story

How Making Money Can Be A Part Of Your (Love) Story

Katarina just got published with one of her articles in and in Forbes Woman: Most people would like more wealth and money in life. At the same time, many would argue that the price of getting there is too high. The many limitations, unwritten rules...

Article: Name your business – How to choose a winning name

Article: Name your business – How to choose a winning name

Katarina has written an article for the site Ms. Career girl who aims to help ambitious young professional women find passion in their profession, or a profession out of their passions:  So you have your great idea and are about to set the wheels in motion? Great job!...

Article: How a creative soul will increase your sales

Article: How a creative soul will increase your sales

Do you have a creative job or a special commitment that requires great ideas on a regular basis? Sometimes, working around the clock is the only way to make it on time. But wouldn’t you agree that your very best creations often appear when you’re not pulling hair over...

Article: Innovation – do you practice what you preach?

Article: Innovation – do you practice what you preach?

Innovation – do you practice what you preach? Always ask yourself, and your business, what else is possible that you haven’t yet considered – you don’t have to go straight to the answer, but by simply throwing the question out there, you’ve planted a seed of...

Article: How to make money doing what you love

Article: How to make money doing what you love

Do you desire more money and wealth in your life and business? Of course, is the obvious answer. But it’s not always true. The fact is that if you want to receive you have to ask for it, and many times the unwritten rules and limitations around money stop you from...

Article in Hungarian: Vállalkozó, művész, szuper-anyu: Katarina Nilsson

Article in Hungarian: Vállalkozó, művész, szuper-anyu: Katarina Nilsson

Katarina Nilsson az életet és az üzletet örömmé varázsolja. Gyakorlatilag Ő a modern kori csodanő. Három sikeres vállalkozás vezetője, amik az absztrakt festészettől az üzleti coaching-on keresztül a vállalati névadásig nyújtózkodnak, olyan ügyfelekkel, mint a H&M...

Article: Naming Entrepreneur, Artist and Super Mom, Katarina Nilsson

Article: Naming Entrepreneur, Artist and Super Mom, Katarina Nilsson

Katarina Nilsson is interviewed in Chic Galleria Publications about her life as Naming entrepreneur, Artist, and Super Mom, and how she manage to fit all the pieces together. Katarina’s schedule is always full. She’s currently traveling the world, both as a lecturer...

Are You Committed To Your Business? – Radio show with Katarina

Are You Committed To Your Business? – Radio show with Katarina

Join Simone Milasas, business mentor, author & international speaker, as she speaks with Rebecca Hulse, Francesca Fiorintini, Andrea Lazenby, Haris Omanovic and Katarina Nilsson, all Joy of Business Certified Facilitators, about committing to your business and...

Choosing Joy in Business – Radio show with Katarina Nilsson

Choosing Joy in Business – Radio show with Katarina Nilsson

Join these 4 amazing entrepreneurs and Joy of Business Certified Facilitators, Emily Russell, Heather Nichols, Laleh Hancock, and Katarina Nilsson, as they discuss the willingness and choice to have fun in business. How much fun and joy are you willing to have and...

Joy of Business Facilitator of the month

Joy of Business Facilitator of the month

This month I was presented as the facilitator of the month in the Access Joy of Business newsletter. This is the article they wrote about me: Facilitator of the Month Meet Joy of Business Facilitator Katarina Nilsson! Where do your shoes/life/home live? I live...

Radio Show: Creation is an Inside Job, with Guest Katarina Nilsson

Radio Show: Creation is an Inside Job, with Guest Katarina Nilsson

Creating Beyond Reality! with Heather Nichols Radio Show Listen to the show here > Everything we create in the world and in our lives can be so much greater, more easeful, and more alive if we are willing to have a level of intimacy with ourselves that allows the...

Radio Show: Are You Ready To Drop Your Money Hangup?

Radio Show: Are You Ready To Drop Your Money Hangup?

Aired Monday, 30 November 2015, 4:00 PM ET Join Simone Milasas, author of Joy of Business, business mentor & international speaker, as she speaks with Katarina Nilsson, coach and Certified Access Consciousness & Joy of Business Facilitator, about moving beyond...

Radio Show: The Art of Naming! with guest Katarina Nilsson

Radio Show: The Art of Naming! with guest Katarina Nilsson

Creating Beyond Reality! with Heather Nichols What’s in a name? What’s the difference between a name that opens your business up for expansion verses ones that may limit the business? How do you get started on creating the optimal name for your business, product or...