Sep 8, 2018 | Business Development, Creativity, Leadership, News
“I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”– Thomas Edison on inventing the light bulb Successful people are not better at succeeding than others. They are better at failing. But what does that even mean? Could it be that they don’t give failure...
Aug 31, 2018 | Business Development, Creativity, Leadership, News
You know that you’ve put something off that you could get done in a heartbeat, and still you don’t do it? Yes, I know the feeling. We have a lot of underlying limitations and resistance. Some of them are pure instinct – our brain does a good job at protecting us from...
Feb 3, 2018 | Creativity, News
We all have creativity inside of us. And when we learn to throw the wills and wants of others out the window and stop limiting ourselves, creation will be so much more rewarding. That’s why, in my workshops, we practice the art of free-flowing creativity. So, what’s a...
Aug 4, 2017 | Business Development, Creativity, Joy of business, News, Press
Don’t mix business with pleasure. Who really believes in that nonsense? Truth is, dedicating your precious time to something when your heart’s not in it makes absolutely no sense. And since you don’t have to choose between your passion from doing what you really...
Jul 25, 2017 | Creativity, Press
Katarina Nilsson was interviewed by Australian media personality and brand ambassador Deborah Hutton. The article is published on her site; Balance by Deborah Hutton; Katarina Nilsson is an entrepreneur, naming strategist, commercial artist and certified Joy of...
Apr 28, 2017 | Creativity, Joy of business, Press
Creativity doesn’t belong to a certain group of people. We all have it inside of us, and it’s just waiting to be displayed for the world to enjoy. Are you ready to let your creativity bloom and become a natural part of your life and business? Tag along! Perhaps you’re...