Dec 15, 2017 | Business Development, Joy of business
Looking for inspiration to start creating more freely in your life and business? Buy this book featuring yours truly! Finding the one thing in life that you would do no matter what, is the key to having joy in business. For me, art was that special thing. When I...
Dec 13, 2017 | Joy of business, Press, Radio Shows
Aired Monday, 20 February 2017, 4:00 PM ET Monetizing Your Creativity Join Katarina Nilsson and Lisa Murray for a conversation that can change your entire creative reality. We are artists, creative entrepreneurs and international facilitators of creative magic in life...
Aug 4, 2017 | Business Development, Creativity, Joy of business, News, Press
Don’t mix business with pleasure. Who really believes in that nonsense? Truth is, dedicating your precious time to something when your heart’s not in it makes absolutely no sense. And since you don’t have to choose between your passion from doing what you really...
Apr 28, 2017 | Creativity, Joy of business, Press
Creativity doesn’t belong to a certain group of people. We all have it inside of us, and it’s just waiting to be displayed for the world to enjoy. Are you ready to let your creativity bloom and become a natural part of your life and business? Tag along! Perhaps you’re...
Apr 12, 2017 | Business Development, Joy of business, Leadership, Money, Press
Katarina just got published with one of her articles in and in Forbes Woman: Most people would like more wealth and money in life. At the same time, many would argue that the price of getting there is too high. The many limitations, unwritten rules...
Mar 31, 2017 | Business Development, Joy of business, Press
Katarina has written an article for the site Ms. Career girl who aims to help ambitious young professional women find passion in their profession, or a profession out of their passions: So you have your great idea and are about to set the wheels in motion? Great job!...