Jan 2, 2017 | Creativity, Joy of business
They say it takes 10 000 hours of training to become a champion/athlete/expert in any field. I realized that I’ve trained myself to become a professional judger of self. Since I was a kid I have judged myself and my body constantly. And picked up on...
Dec 7, 2016 | Business Development, Creativity, Joy of business, Press
Do you have a creative job or a special commitment that requires great ideas on a regular basis? Sometimes, working around the clock is the only way to make it on time. But wouldn’t you agree that your very best creations often appear when you’re not pulling hair over...
Jun 27, 2016 | Creativity, Press, Radio Shows
Creating Beyond Reality! with Heather Nichols Radio Show Listen to the show here > Everything we create in the world and in our lives can be so much greater, more easeful, and more alive if we are willing to have a level of intimacy with ourselves that allows the...