Once upon a time there was a young ambitious talent in the name branding business who just kept running until she finally hit the wall. Tormented and confused from depression she felt like she had nothing left to give and even less to look forward to. Today, It’s hard to believe that person was actually me.
My name is Katarina Nilsson and I offer business development classes and coaching around the world for groups and individuals – anyone who seeks to make a positive change in their life and career. By challenging status quo and the stereotypical point of view on business, I present a whole different perception. One that hopefully will make your journey so much more joyful!
Money Follows Joy – the True Key to Business Development
To find relaxation in life and feel the joy of business, you should start by asking yourself one question: What do I find so easy, fun and fulfilling that I don’t think it could ever have any real business value?
For me, the answer was art. When I was burned out I turned my focus to painting, and before I knew it I had enough work for a whole exhibition. But a big art show is just dreaming, right? Wrong!
Instead of coming up with the same old poor excuses, I decided to go outside of my comfort zone and give it a real shot. The exhibition was a success and today one of my biggest passions is an integrated part of my daily business. To sum it up: I’m having fun at work.
Embrace Change and Never Give Up
Once you open your mind to change and know how to use the tools, the reward will be instant in several ways. Your business credibility won’t suffer due to a more creative mindset. If anything, you will gain from it and find possibilities you never imagined. Take it from one who dared to try.
How you run your business is nobody else’s business –
Turn tragedy to triumph by learning how to find the joy of business.
Check out my services for more inspiration:
Workshops & Seminars
Joyful workshops and mind-boggling sessions on business, creativity and life.
Tailored Packages
Tailored packages and workshops on creativity, suitable for companies and individuals.
One on One
Coaching and bodywork that release stress and allow positive change.