Apr 12, 2017 | Business Development, Joy of business, Leadership, Money, Press
Katarina just got published with one of her articles in positivitydaily.com and in Forbes Woman: Most people would like more wealth and money in life. At the same time, many would argue that the price of getting there is too high. The many limitations, unwritten rules...
Dec 16, 2016 | Joy of business, Money
Imate li kreativan posao ili posebnu posvećenost koja svakodnevno zahtijeva izuzetne ideje? Ponekad, je neprestano raditi jedini način za sve završiti na vrijeme. Ali, ne biste li se složili da se najbolje kreacije obično pojavljuju kad si ne čupate kosu s glave zbog...
Oct 31, 2016 | Business Development, Joy of business, Money, Press
Do you desire more money and wealth in your life and business? Of course, is the obvious answer. But it’s not always true. The fact is that if you want to receive you have to ask for it, and many times the unwritten rules and limitations around money stop you from...