Dec 7, 2016 | Business Development, Creativity, Joy of business, Press
Do you have a creative job or a special commitment that requires great ideas on a regular basis? Sometimes, working around the clock is the only way to make it on time. But wouldn’t you agree that your very best creations often appear when you’re not pulling hair over...
Nov 11, 2016 | Business Development, Joy of business, News, Press
Innovation – do you practice what you preach? Always ask yourself, and your business, what else is possible that you haven’t yet considered – you don’t have to go straight to the answer, but by simply throwing the question out there, you’ve planted a seed of...
Oct 31, 2016 | Business Development, Joy of business, Money, Press
Do you desire more money and wealth in your life and business? Of course, is the obvious answer. But it’s not always true. The fact is that if you want to receive you have to ask for it, and many times the unwritten rules and limitations around money stop you from...
Jul 17, 2016 | Business Development, Press
Katarina Nilsson is interviewed in about her biggest business regrets: Regret: I regret saying no to business opportunities where clients desired to buy more from my company than I initially offered. I turned them down instead of adding to my services...
Aug 3, 2015 | Business Development, Press, Radio Shows
Creating Beyond Reality! with Heather Nichols What’s in a name? What’s the difference between a name that opens your business up for expansion verses ones that may limit the business? How do you get started on creating the optimal name for your business, product or...